The arrival of the 2020s means the fast-evolving technology landscape is about to become even more remarkable. What changes in technology will have the greatest impact on the tech workforce and society more generally, and will those changes do more good than harm?
Next Decade of Tech: Envisioning the 2020s, based on survey findings from more than 5,000 global technology professionals, looks ahead to the major shifts in technology we are likely to see in the next decade. View the analysis and resources below, and consider what might be in store as technology helps to shape the next decade.

Blog Post

Overcoming Legacy Thinking a Key Strategy for Actively Shaping the Future
by Daniel Burrus, Technology Futurist and Author of The Anticipatory Organization
Blog Post

AI and Healthcare:
A Life-Saving Combination
by Ryan Abdel-Megeid, CISA, Director, Internal Audit, AARP
In this video, R.V. Raghu, ISACA board director,
sizes up AI’s impact on the new decade.
Expert Insights on the next decade of tech
“The future is an interconnected, hyper-instrumented mesh composed of AI-powered digital assistants delivering personalized experiences across virtual, biological and physical worlds. As these worlds integrate, we will see an unprecedented number of big-bang disruptions, the breadth and depth of which will herald the transformation of entire systems, and create and destroy product lines, markets and ecosystems.”
“I believe that automation and bots, or Robotic Process Automation (RPA), is best used in conjunction with a human. RPA should not be focused on eliminating headcount, but instead should center on freeing up human capital to perform value-added and cognitive tasks. The best use of RPA is to pair a human with a bot to optimize production and output. Until artificial intelligence begins to truly simulate human intelligence, RPA will remain the primary enabler that mimics interactions between humans and computers to maximize productivity.”
“As we enter the new decade, one of the central questions to be answered is what will happen first – the arrival of a quantum computer that breaks internet encryption or the development and world-wide implementation of an algorithm that will be resilient to quantum computing. Both of these will occur, but the order in which they do will have far-reaching consequences for the security profession and society as a whole.”
Related Resources
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